People with Asperger's syndrome

Region: Jena und Umgebung

Autism in its various forms is a relationship and communication disorder. It impairs people's ability to establish a normal emotional relationship with others.

The self-help group is an offer for adult autistic people to come into contact with other affected people and exchange experiences. Participation in the group is also possible without a diagnosis.

Group meetings

The guided group meets every 4 weeks at 17:00 in the Early Intervention and Counseling Center of the Herbert Feuchte Foundation in Jena, Dornburger Straße 161, 07743 Jena. If you would like to take part in the group, please send us an e-mail in advance so that we can inform you of the next date.


HFS Frühförder- und Beratungszentrum Mrs Carolin Herzberg Dornburger Str. 161 07743 Jena

Phone: 03641 6393835