Alcohol and drug addicted people “Trockene Gesellschaft”

Region: Jena und Umgebung

  • Open to anyone who wants to live a life free of addiction (alcohol, medications, etc.)
  • Talking honestly about one's situation and finding understanding - After years of hiding, this is very relieving
  • Courage to be open and the necessary distance to see the difficulties realistically
  • Helping people to overcome their fears
  • Experiences are passed on to those affected who also want to live abstinently
  • Strengthening self-esteem in the group

Anyone who seriously wants to deal with their addiction problems is an asset to the group.

Group meetings

First and third Monday per month at he meeting place “Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe" at 5:30 pm


Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Jena e. V. Buchaer Straße 6 07745 Jena

Phone: 03641 618988