
Region: Jena und Umgebung

Take away fears with polyneuropathy

Do you have frequent sensory disturbances in your legs, feet and hands? Do you know numbness or tingling sensations only too well? Do you sometimes feel a tingling or cold sensation even though it is not cold at all? As if ants were crawling over you? Your gait is often unsteady, your sense of balance seems disturbed. Your bladder, digestion and perhaps sexual function need more attention. You feel haunted by chronic pain. If several of these listed symptoms and complaints apply to you, polyneuropathy would be a possible diagnosis. There are a variety of causes for this condition, but not the definitive one. Therefore, even a definite diagnosis is challenging for medical specialists.

Polyneuropathies can result from:

  • Metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus, gout, hyper- or hypothyroidism, liver and kidney diseases, vitamin deficiency
  • Infections - Lyme disease, diphtheria, HIV infection
  • External factors - drugs, lead, arsenic, alcohol, thallium, carbon disulfide
  • Vascular changes - collagenosis, arteriosclerosis
  • Genetic polyneuropathy
    (Source: Husstedt et. al, Schmerztherapie interdisziplinär, Schattauer Verlag 2002).

In our group we support each other in better dealing with the disease. We exchange our experiences and new information on the subject and can also invite experts. Together we find it easier to accept the disease and to come to terms with it as best we can.

If you are curious and polyneuropathy is or could be your topic, please contact the IKOS and just come and visit us.

Group meetings

Please contact IKOS for group meetings.


IKOS Jena - Beratungszentrum für Selbsthilfe Mrs Gabriele Wiesner Kastanienstraße 11 07747 Jena

Phone: 03641 8741161
