The self-help group is in the process of being founded.

Parents' group for parents of mentally ill children

Region: Jena

We are pleased to announce a monthly parent group for parents of children with mental health issues. This group provides a safe space for parents who feel the need to talk, support and share with like-minded people.

Whether you are struggling with the challenges of parenting a child with mental illness or simply feel the need to talk, you are welcome to join our group. Here you can share your experiences, find support and discover new ways to deal with these challenges. A social worker will lead the group and ask certain questions and suggest topics.

The meetings take place once a month and provide a relaxed and confidential environment where you can share freely. We firmly believe that the mutual support and shared experience can help you feel empowered and understood.

We look forward to welcoming you to our parent group, where together we can find ways to support and empower each other.

Group meetings

Once a month


Elterninitiative für das seelisch erkrankte und verhaltensauffällige Kind Thüringen e.V. Mrs Jessika Bechler Sophienstraße 13 07743 Jena

Phone: 3641 666 735