Open contact and leisure group

Region: Jena

The open and free group offered by the Social Psychiatric Service is aimed at all adults with mental illnesses or people in crisis situations. The group is led by social workers and takes place every Thursday from 2 to 3 p.m. in the counseling room of the Social Psychiatric Service, in B 59, Leutragraben 4 on the 5th floor. Every first Thursday of the month, we go for a walk or a short hike together in the surrounding area.

In the protected setting of a group, difficult life situations and conflicts can be dealt with, information exchanged, joint activities planned and contacts made.

In our society, people with mental illnesses or in personal crises often feel excluded and misunderstood. Our group can help you to make contact with others, making it easier to overcome loneliness and isolation.

Goals and tasks

Our group offer for you:

  • talk to each other
  • exchange of experiences
  • I am understood here
  • I am not alone!
  • counteract resignation and hopelessness
  • can learn from others
  • to give each other strength
  • to discuss illness and treatment
  • for information about further offers of help

Group meetings

Group meetings take place every Thursday from 2 to 3 pm.


Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst der Stadt Jena Mrs Cathleen Atzrodt-Schwandtke Leutragraben 4 07743 Jena

Phone: 03641 49-3177