Association for blind and partially sighted people in Thuringia e. V. – Blickpunkt Auge
Region: Jena
Disease profile
All blind and partially sighted people of all ages includung a 3/10 visual impairment or a pathological change of the improved eye with a relevant degree of severity
Goals and tasks
Counselling and support of all persons concerned and and their family members in social, psychiological and medical questions
We inform:
- about new legal requirements
- share news from the medical sector
- presentation of specific assistive technology
We offer:
- specific assistive technology as well as literature
- possibilities of early support of blind and partially sighted kids
- rehabilitation for adults
- find adresses for recreation homes
- fitness, sports and leisure activities
We accompany:
- to the doctor
- to do grocery store
- to agencies and civil services
- to go for a walk
We assist:
- completing forms
- reading aloud letters and newspapers
- writing and answering letters
Cultural attendance
- monthly Group meetings with interesting workshops
- spring, sommer and year-end activities
- organized bus rides
- hand craft groups
- bowling (meetings every Thursday from 1-6 pm on the sports field in Zwätzen, Brückenstraße)
Group meetings
Consultation hours: every Thursday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at the information centre Blickpunkt Auge
Group meetings take place on an unregular basis.
Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Thüringen e. V. - Kreisorganisation Jena - „Blickpunkt Auge“ Mrs Silke Aepfler Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 30 07749 Jena
Phone: 03641 2259400 Mobile: 0157 73303641