People suffering aphasia and stroke

Region: Jena

Disease profile

What is aphasia?

Aphasia means “loss of speech" and refers to a speech disorder as a result of brain damage to the left hemisphere. Causes are in particular strokes, but also, for example, accidents, tumors or inflammation of the brain. People affected by aphasia have greater or lesser difficulties in speaking, understanding, writing and reading. Aphasia is not an intellectual disability or mental disorder.

Goals and tasks

  • Communication training of the persons concerned
  • Mutual support
  • Help and advice in living and dealing with each other, also for family members
  • Practical help in coping with difficult problems in daily life
  • Information from specialists and authorities
  • Joint activities and trips

Throughout Germany, there are more than 250 - 300 aphasic self-help groups.

Group meetings

Every 1st Friday of the month at 3:00 pm. You can find out the place through the contact persons or the press.


Mrs Heike Thurm

Phone: 03641 534696

IKOS Jena Kastanienstraße 11 07747 Jena

Phone: 03641 8741160 Fax: 03641 8741169

Prof. Dr. Regina Krczizek Jena

Phone: 03641 2679248 Mobile: 0172 3189537
